A few days ago we posted an article that was a total recap of everything we’d heard so far about an untethered iOS 6.x jailbreak. If you want to catch up on the saga so far then please check it out at the link and to say that it is an epic story is an understatement. In the conclusion of that article we told about the Redsn0w update meaning a tethered jailbreak for pre-A5 iOS devices was now available, and also that jailbreaks had been found for the iPad mini and also the iPhone 5. At the moment though the latter two were failbreaks, meaning that they would not be released to the general public yet and are only available to those with Apple Developer accounts.
The fact that prominent Dev Team members have now come up with multiple exploits though, hopefully means that an untethered jailbreak is on its way to a public release. As usual though we are definitely looking to the Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team with prominent members of the jailbreaking community such as @pod2g, @musclenerd, @plantbeing, @p0sixninja and @chpwn to be first to a release of an untethered jailbreak for the iPhone 5 or other iOS 6 device. We want to remind you that these jailbreakers do this in their own time and do not charge for their work when it is publicly released.
We warned people some weeks ago to beware of claims of untethered jailbreaks that were being charged for, as they were unscrupulous scams and we have seen further scams since. Now another scam has come to light and because of how incredibly convincing this one looks we wanted to warn readers in a bid to stop them being fooled. The newest scam looks incredibly realistic as the people who have come up with this one have done a good job of making it look as though the untethered jailbreak being touted has come from Dev Team members. However where it differs from the genuine article is that this claimed jailbreak asks for money.

iDigital Times imparts that this hoax looks as though it comes from @pod2g and uses what looks to be the greenp0isin/absinthe page. It claims an iOS 6 and iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak for the iPad mini, iPad 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 using Absinthe v.3 and at least three websites have cropped up touting the jailbreak. We are not naming them here but iDigital Times does have links to these. The very clever part of this scam is the use of a greenp0ison page but although this does look very realistic and copies the greep0ison logo and general look of the actual website, it is in fact a big fake. Those who are already aware of how the real website actually looks may notice that it is not the genuine article but many people could be very easily taken in.
If a person does try to use this scam untethered jailbreak site then they find that either nothing happens at all or they are taken to a survey of some sort that then asks for payment. It seems that people have already been taken in by this and the one thing we can tell you is that this is a hoax and if you pay out for it you will lose your money for nothing. As we said in our recap article the best way of knowing if a genuine untethered jailbreak is available when it comes is from the Twitter pages of the most prominent jailbreakers as we’ve mentioned above, or through the Dev-Team blog, so please don’t be tempted to part with cash for anything that claims to be an untethered jailbreak but requires payment.
Of course other websites such as this will also tell you when a genuine jailbreak eventually arrives, with links to downloads. Although Phones Review cannot recommend jailbreaking we know how many of our readers enjoy the freedom of jailbreaking their devices so like to bring you all the news. We’ll continue to follow all the developments regarding the iOS 6 and iOS 6.0.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone 5 so do check back with us for more.
In the meantime we’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever been caught out by an unscrupulous source claiming to have come with an untethered jailbreak? Maybe you’ve already spotted the above scam and almost thought it was the real thing as it’s so convincing? Let us know with your comments as well as any other thoughts on an untethered jailbreak for the iPhone 5.
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