For those of you who want to know the latest regarding an untethered jailbreak, a few days ago we posted a total recap on this so check that out at the link for more. Yesterday we also published a warning about untethered jailbreak scams that are out there as people are paying money for untethered jailbreaks that simply don’t exist, not yet at least. It is good to hear though that the popular jailbreaking utility Sn0wBreeze has now been updated by iH8sn0w. However this is tethered and only compatible with pre-A5 iOS devices such as the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS and will not work with A5 or A6-processor devices such as the iPad 2 or iPhone 5.
News of the Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 update comes to us from iDownload Blog and it’s obtainable to download from this page here. You will find Sn0wBreeze downloads towards the bottom of the list. We expect that many readers will be pleased to hear about this Sn0wBreeze update that will enable a jailbreak for iOS 6 and iOS 6.0.1. At Phones Review though, we always stress that we cannot recommend that readers jailbreak their devices and that if you choose to do so then it is entirely your own responsibility. Nevertheless we know how important jailbreaking is to many of our readers and so enjoy bringing you the latest developments.

Further to this iDownload Blog has also posted a useful tutorial for those wanting to use the Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 jailbreak on Windows. You can see a very useful video showing this below this story but there are also step-by-step written instructions at the above link. We’ll repeat that this is a tethered jailbreak via iBooty (except for iPhone 3GS old bootroom users) and only works with pre-A5 iOS devices. The procedure begins with downloading Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 and 13 steps later you should be able to open Cydia, if all has gone well.
We’d like to know how you feel about the current situation with jailbreaking iOS 6 and iOS 6.0.1. Will you be downloading Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 for your pre-A5 iOS device? Maybe you’ve already done so and could tell us if everything went smoothly? Send your comments to let us know.
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